This website is currently under active development.

Semester 1 2022 R for Successful Student Projects (R4SSP) will be online 10-noon Wednesdays, commencing from 16th March.

For more information please email


This course is designed to provide many avenues to learning R. We have provided both Modules that give more in-depth information on topics and handouts, which are representative of the content that will be covered in the online sessions. Both resources are designed to be complementary to each other.

We have split the content into two common purposes for learning R

The main motivation for many people is to perform data analysis, so we have structured the order so that people can ‘get stuff done’ and then learn about how to improve their efficiency using R.


Date Week Module Part Topic
16 March 1 Setup Introduce the tools: R and Rstudio
23 March 2 Data focus 1 Visualising Data
30 March 3 Data focus 2 Selecting and Filtering Data
6 April 4 Data focus 3 Summarising Data
13 April 5 Data focus 4 Transforming Data
27 April 6 Data focus 5 Communicating Data
4 May 7 Programming focus 1 Functions and Choices
11 May 8 Programming focus 2 Repeating code
18 May 9 Programming focus 3 Workflows and debugging
25 May 10 Ask us anything